For those of you in search of purpose, look no further than within yourselves. Here are 8 questions (that only you can answer) which can help you create a purpose statement for your life. Your purpose is not a destination; it is more of a guiding compass that helps you make decisions. Our ultimate destination will be determined by the small decisions we make every day, therefore, it is important to make sure that our choices are in line with where we want to go. Take a moment to answer these questions for yourself and see what you come up with.

Part 1: Where am I?
1. Principles: What do I value? What beliefs govern my life?
2. Passions: What do I love doing and why?
3. Problems & Pain: What social, scientific, technical, and/or personal question or pain do I want to solve?
4. People & Place: Who do I want to serve and where?

Part 2: Where am I going?
5. Picture: What's my vision for myself and the world?
6. Pioneers: Who are my models? Mentors? Guides?
7. Positioning & Potential: What do I want to master? What do I want to be #1 in the world at? And why do I believe that I can do it? Why am I the one?
8. Possibility: How will people experience life differently because of me?

You can read other people's responses below and/or
submit your responses here & scroll down

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

PurposeFinder #7

  1. 1. Person: What do I value? Who do I want to be?

I value truth, love, life and peace. I want to live a life of service that shifts the trajectory of human culture from collapse to regeneration.

2. Passions: What do I love doing and why?

I love relationship; growing knowledge of self, making friends and working with teams to transform the inner and outer world. I love doing this because I believe that's what humans are supposed to do – our ecological function is to love.

3. Problems: What social, science, technical, and/or personal question do I want to answer?

How do we live in right relationship to ourselves, to our communities and to Mother Earth? How do we transform the vision and values of both individuals and institutions in order change the human trajectory from collapse to regeneration in every sector of human endeavor? How can we slow down in order to think in long, generational terms?

4. People: Who do I want to serve?

I want to serve the "T"ruth although I now I can never fully come to know the "T"ruth, only near and triangulate it through actively growing and challenging my truth. I want to love ALL.

5. Place: Where do I want to impact?

The inner and outer. Gaia. The education sector first. LA and the greater Golden State second. The good 'ol US of A third.

6. Pain: What am I trying to heal or positively impact?

The historically imbedded trauma and presently recycled suffering all people on Earth are feeling as I write this. The false belief in having separate identities and interests that causes to commit violence against ourselves, each "other", to our fellow species who are experiencing a mass extinction because of human belief and action, and to Mother Earth… we're even weaponizing Space now… sorry, Space.

7. Power: What motivates/inspires me?

The fact that I am related to everyone and everything on Earth and in the Universe. The fact that we're all family. The fact that we have the power to transform the inner and outer world.

8. Picture: What's my vision?

Me, chillin' at like 98 years old on my porch, doing one-arm pushups with my great granddaughter on my back.

9. Pioneers: Who are my models? Mentors? Guides?

Nature. The people who quietly do good work every day. The people who loudly do good work every day.

10. Path: What are the steps? What are my short and long term goals?


Give thanks.


Eat well.



Make friends.

Dream big.

Plan, plan, plan.


Invite feedback every step of the way.


Secure the Transform America Fellowship by October 1

Secure the necessary IT capacity and financing to bring Mylinia to market by December 31

Establish the CSSC HQ at Newsom Springs Ranch by December 31

Organize a Cali coalition of student and citizen organizations to achieve energy security – get political in '08

Raise at least $250,000 for the CSSC Year-1 Budget

Raise at least $100,000 to launch E3 Clothes


Bring Mylinia to market and grow it into a cultural force.

Bring E3 Clothes to market and make sustainable sexy

Pass legislation to finance the shift to energy security in the Golden State

Collaborate to transform the California education sector into a force for cultural and ecological regeneration

Create a Empowerment Center to heal, train, network and resource young leaders.

11. Pressures: What internal and external life forces are affecting me right now?

Remembering to give thanks with every breath and drink of water


Staying centered while I'm on the move


An insane culture killing everything

Lack of access to healthy, real food

12. Positioning: What do I want to master? What do I want to be #1 in the world at?

I want to be #1 at weaving together the emerging generation of leaders and big, hairy, audacious goals that exist within them into a force powerful enough to heal.

13. Potential: Why do I believe that I can do it? Why am I the one?

I have to. We have to. We are the one's we've been waiting for.

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