For those of you in search of purpose, look no further than within yourselves. Here are 8 questions (that only you can answer) which can help you create a purpose statement for your life. Your purpose is not a destination; it is more of a guiding compass that helps you make decisions. Our ultimate destination will be determined by the small decisions we make every day, therefore, it is important to make sure that our choices are in line with where we want to go. Take a moment to answer these questions for yourself and see what you come up with.

Part 1: Where am I?
1. Principles: What do I value? What beliefs govern my life?
2. Passions: What do I love doing and why?
3. Problems & Pain: What social, scientific, technical, and/or personal question or pain do I want to solve?
4. People & Place: Who do I want to serve and where?

Part 2: Where am I going?
5. Picture: What's my vision for myself and the world?
6. Pioneers: Who are my models? Mentors? Guides?
7. Positioning & Potential: What do I want to master? What do I want to be #1 in the world at? And why do I believe that I can do it? Why am I the one?
8. Possibility: How will people experience life differently because of me?

You can read other people's responses below and/or
submit your responses here & scroll down

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Purposefinder #14

What do I value?
I value personal relationships with other people. I value listening and offering advice/support/encouragement to help people make decisions - both big and small. I value making ordinary things/ideas/situations revolutionary steps for the person making/thinking/living them.

Jullien's Feedback:
  • Question: All of the -ing verbs above are the things you love doing. What nouns do you value (ie personal relationships)? I'm just trying to get a sense of what matters to you most and why.

What beliefs govern my life?
I believe that Jesus is the Savior and that God is the author of all that happens on the Earth and beyond. I believe that the purpose of my life is to make a direct, meaningful, life-changing impact on other people in a way that not only gives them the faith to believe that their thoughts, ideas, hopes and dreams are valid but empowers them to move in a way that makes them attainable.

Jullien's Feedback:
  • Affirmation: What a powerful statement. Well articulated.
  • Question: How much do you think you co-author your life with Jesus? 50%? 30%?0%?
  • Question: What beliefs did Jesus hold that you embrace whole-heartedly? (ie Love thy neighbor as thyself)
  • Question: What beliefs do you believe governed Jesus' life?
  • Recommendation: Check out one of my other blogs on Jesus' Purpose. I found all of the scriptures in the New Testament where Jesus references his purpose.
  • Recommendation: Read The Way of Essenes and The Gospel of the Holy Twelve for deeper insight into Jesus' life and growth

What do I love doing and why?
I love meeting strangers. I love striking up conversations with people and brightening their day. I love when, after one of these 'chance' meetings, others thank me for making their day, tell me I'm different and that taking the time to acknowledge or get to know them is a welcome refresher. I love this because I fundamentally believe that more than most things, people just want to be loved on. I love being able to give that love.

Jullien's Feedback:
  • Affirmation: It seems that your strong positive energy brightens people day and makes them feel loved
  • Affirmation: You are very clear on what you love doing
  • Question: When and where do these random encounters happen?
  • Idea: It seems like conferences is a good place to meet random people passionate about the same thing

What question or pain do I want to solve?
I think I want to help answer the question that so many young - teenage and twenty-something - women ask: "When will I be enough?" Of course, the answer is - you already are. I want to help close the gap between what society/families/groups/organizations/the media project to define women's worth with what it really is and to help women live out their God-given femininity and expose their hearts in a way that doesn't lessen their credibility but allows them to feel confident in saying what they think AND feel.

Jullien's Feedback
  • Clarification: So the question that wakes you up every morning is "What makes women feel insecure/empty and how can we overcome this feeling? That's a BIG question...but you're a woman with a BIG heart and BIG vision.

Who do I want to serve and where?
I thought it was teenagers, but while I love kids, I don't know that it's there or that it's in schools. I know I want to serve women, but I haven't a clue what the setting, how it will play out, what it will look like...

Jullien's Feedback
  • Affirmation: Women and youth is very clear.
  • Question: What age group do you think is most crucial to impact? or is it women of all ages?
  • Idea: When the space isn't there you have to create it yourself. Food has been a great uniter of people all throughout history. I've co-organized many potlucks and they have created the space naturally to have the conversations you are talking about.

What's my vision for myself and the world?
I want to be ordinarily revolutionary. I don't see myself as starting a Teach For America, being on national television, or having some insanely glamorous career. I see myself being in the thick of it with real people, working side by side them in a way that makes them feel human, whole, valued, and that develops their confidence so that they can soar on their own. I think that equipping others with that kind of hope in their future (you know, the one GOD authored, and whose details we try to change a bit :)) will make the world a place that reflects the kingdom God wants it to be. It will be a place where those who are voiceless or whose voices are muffled out by insecurities and fears will be leaders. It will be a place where people care about each other because they know how others feel. It will be a place we can reconcile our differences much more easily.

Jullien's Feedback:
  • Question: Ask yourself, "Am I limiting my good from God by saying 'I don't see myself as starting a Teach For America'"? Wend Kopp, founder of TFA, was and still is an ordinary person like you
  • Recommendation: Read my song Extraordinary People. It's a remix to John Legend's 'Ordinary People' . Hopefully it inspires you.
  • Clarification: What I'm hearing is that you want a world where people 1. talk to each other openly 2. empathize with each other 3. are able to overcome difference through conversation/storytelling. Is that correct?

Who are my mentors, models or guides?
Cyndi Harrison. She is the definition of graceful to me.

Jullien's Feedback:

What do I want to master? What do I want to be #1 in the world at? And why do I believe that I can do it? Why am I the one?
I have NO idea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jullien's Feedback:
  • Question: If you could be in the Guiness Book of World Records for 1 thing, what would it be?
  • Recommendation: I haven't read it, but you may want to check out this book on the sacred feminine. The Goddess in the Gospels: Reclaiming the Sacred Feminine. Exploring the sacred feminine may help you find when and how women's divinity began to fade (ie Adam & Eve story) and divinity became seen as only masculine (ie our Father...).

How will people experience life differently because of me?
People won't be afraid of their bright futures. They will have the confidence to pursue them, in turn allowing them to change the world the way they were designed to.

Jullien's Feedback:
  • Affirmation: Removal of fear. I agree 100%.
  • Recommendation: I have a blog post called the 5 Facades of Fear that may benefit you on your journey.

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